Month of Pivoting

Hello, how was your month?

YES! We went on a trip to Portugal for the second time. It was awesome as always! Good food, beaches, weather, alcohol, and one-stop at Starbucks for old times sake. See photos from the trip on my Instagram account.

With recharged energy, I have decided to move out of the apartment into WeWork Labs and do the product right by pivoting.

Pivoting to a Different Problem

The problem I have been trying to solve with a “Coming Soon Page Builder” product was not a real problem for my target audience because it already has a good enough solution. The product does solve a problem for a different audience that I’m not interested to pursue and develop a product in that direction.

Now what? Well, redefining the problem, a pivot. Whatever you say when you hit the wall with your product and need to change some stuff to move forward.

Market Research

The new problem is “designers, developers, and webmasters, spend a lot of time on moving the envelope from design to code to a content management system to the server. Also, they spend a lot of time on learning technologies for project X on demand from their clients”.

This problem led me to the question of “how to create a tool with design and code abilities to help designers, developers, and webmasters save time”.

Before running to write code while screaming various answers inside my head. I want to solve this problem right by first validating with designers, developers, webmasters that this is an actual problem.

As I write these lines I’m interviewing people from the target audience to see if the problem and the solution are valid. Interviewing a crowd of 100 people will make me comfortable to decide if I have a valid case to proceed.

Current Month

So, this month I will be focusing on only one thing which is market research. Talking to people and see if I can help them solve a problem I think they have.

Wish me luck, fingers crossed!

Thanks for reading!

The newsletter sent to 119 people on Monday before last and until today it achieved:

  • 46 (39%) opened.
  • 2 (4.3%) replied.
  • 1 (0.84%) unsubscribed.

Until next month, enjoy and let me know what you think! 🙌

Thank you for reading.