Months of Grinding

Hello, how was your month?

Mine went as same shit different day, putting the hours and grinding my skills in the hopes of making it in this freelance game. The thing that really changed this month was my reach to friends for help.

Freelance update

Trying to hustle my way up, applying to any freelance proposal I’m competent enough to execute. My ratio and the moment is 1/100. Still learning how to not fuck up the negotiation before doing the job.

I’m sure this month will be more fruitful than the previous one because I got reinforcement. 🥁 Leeya is joining me and will do and be responsible for marketing and sales. This is awesome news and I wish her the best!

Oh, and there is a new services page on my website, check it out!

StaticPage update

Getting back to it and taking baby steps towards a real product. Written a few user stories and chosen one to base an MVP upon. MVP, most valuable product, meaning what is the smallest version of a product that can be produced and still give enough value to a user.

Previous to running to code the winning MVP user story, I’m writing a design document. What? A document that will lay out the guidelines for coding, designing, and saying no to “one more thing” because he is not part of the original user story and will delay the product further.


I need help like any other schmuck and like the rest of the schmucks it’s not easy for me to ask for it. But for my surprise every time I do ask for help I get answered with a positive response and willingness to help. Me. Why? I don’t know and don’t want to, just being glad for all the help. Thank you!

Special shout out to Leeya, Ram, Rabea, Joy, Adir, Ohad, thank you for helping out this month. ✊

That is it for this update folks. Write you next time! 🤓

Thank you for reading.